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Beckett Gardens Apartments - SAA|EVI
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Beckett Gardens Apartments Beckett Gardens was an existing 132-unit affordable housing garden style apartment complex with an expiring Section 8 project-based contract.

SAA|EVI financed the acquisition, renovation, and construction of a new 8,500 square foot community center utilizing tax exempt bonds issued by Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development (PAID), 4% LIHTC issued by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA), as well as a soft seller note. SAA|EVI utilized energy efficient and green construction standards including the construction of solar panels, as well as the use of wind powered electricity.

  • Building Type (Residential/Commercial)Residential Multi-Family Housing
  • LocationPhiladelphia, PA
  • 144,500 TOTAL SQFT
  • 132 UNITS
Beckett Gardens Apartments - SAA|EVI

Beckett Gardens Apartments - SAA|EVI

Beckett Gardens Apartments - SAA|EVI

Beckett Gardens Apartments - SAA|EVI